IMEGA Trading has developed food additives to enrich the daily meals with vital and essential supplements esp. for consumers of large amounts of depleted fast food, sweets and candy as well as sweet beverages.
P.O. Box 947,
Kharbash Tower
Shikh Zayid Road
Dubai, U.A.E.
Trade Number: 649127 -
IMEGA Trading -
IMEGA Trading has developed food additives to enrich the daily meals with vital and essential supplements esp. for consumers of large amounts of depleted fast food, sweets and candy as well as sweet beverages.
For the beginning three targets were set:
1. Keep slim without fasting. Stop food-
2. Enrich your daily meals for a better immune resistance even against common but very lästig infections as flue (influenza). Enforce the immunity. Vitalize your body. Don´t take a risk visiting crowded areas (e.g. bazar, sport events, mosque etc.)
3. Supplement regularly the most important mineral (magnesium) which is at a too low level in 80% of the civilized population. in the Western world caused by overloading fast food, sweets and sugar rich bakeries, prefabricated Speisen and not to underestimat most beverages including so called „mineral waters“ have a magnesium-
For this product a special requirement was set:
Many people react sensitive to orally applicated magnesium (tablets, capsules, powder-